Sunday, February 3, 2013

3 Simple and Effective Steps to Starting a Small Business From Home

3 Simple and Effective Steps to Starting a Small Business From Home
By []Willox Perez

If you want to start a small business from home then there are some simple and effective steps that you must understand and apply in order to make it happen. Understanding these steps is going to be very important in order to achieve success and start a small business from home the right way.

Here the 3 simple steps that you must know:

#1 Dedicate Time To Learn About The Internet

The first thing that you have to do is to dedicate time to learn about the Internet. It is very important to learn about the Internet and how to navigate it in order to take advantage of the many opportunities that it offers for starting a small business from home. Obtaining the necessary knowledge on how to use the Internet to your advantage is going to be essential if you want to be successful.

#2 Master Online Promotional Methods

The next thing that you have to focus on is mastering the online promotional methods that you can use to promote your business on the Internet. You have to understand that in order to make any income or see any results with anything online you have to know how to promote it. There are many different promotional methods that you can learn and master but remember that you have to do them one at a time. The biggest mistake you can make is to do everything at once because you're just going to burn yourself out and end up quitting.

#3 Join An Online Network Marketing Opportunity

The last thing you want to make sure you do is to join an online network marketing opportunity. Now that you have some Internet knowledge and have dedicated time to mastering the different promotional methods available online you have all the skills you need to be successful. Joining this business will mark the birth of starting your own small business from home.

Need help with marketing online? Have questions?

Check out my Blog at

Omar Negron has been involved with marketing online since the ripe age of 18. If you have questions, he's your guy!

Visit his blog as

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[] 3 Simple and Effective Steps to Starting a Small Business From Home

Starting Your Own Small Business From Home

Starting Your Own Small Business From Home
By []Kerhon Gbenro

Have you thought of starting your own small business from home? Are you hesitant and not sure whether to proceed? I want you to know there has never been a better time to start a new venture especially considering the downturn in the economy but you have to weigh the pros and cons before you take the plunge.

One factor that makes starting your own business from the comfort of your home attractive is the flexible working hours you would enjoy. You will have full control of when you operate your business. And with the flexibility comes the option of first starting your business on a part time basis while you carry on working with your current employer. Once your business has grown to a full time venture then you will have the pleasure of sacking your boss.

Once you go full time, the time, energy and resources spent commuting can be put to better use doing things you love to do and building the future you desire. The stress of commuting and getting to work by a certain time will also be completely eliminated.

Considering the lower operation costs, the risks involved in running your business is highly reduced with your expenses largely limited to cost of materials. Business overheads such as business rates, rent, heating and lighting for commercial outlets are virtually nonexistent. Also you not need to spend extra money on making your business presentable to your customers either.

However a note of caution - running your own business from home does come with its own pitfalls which you must guard against.

Working from home, means that you need to be disciplined. It is easy to get distracted doing things that are not related to your daily tasks. To stay on track you will need to be focussed. Have a 'to do' list that you work with. Make sure you prioritise the activities that drive your business forward and do the others later. It takes a lot of discipline to achieve.

Time management is also very important in helping you stay on track with your plans and goals. You will need to plan and allocate time for each activity you decide to embark on for each day. A good strategy which I personally use is that I plan my day the night before so I can get going immediately my day begins.

Although an attractive proposition, how would you handle tough times in your home business? Remember tough times will come at some point in time. The attitude with which we handle them is what decides whether we will be winners or losers. A trick that I use to keep my attitude up is to remember why I have chosen to work from home. For me, my motivation is a better work-life balance. My commuting time has always exceeded one hour and that makes it difficult to attend to urgent family issues when they arise. So what is yours - what is it that will get you out of bed with a smile on your face and get you working away with a good attitude when the going is tough? Remember your 'why' as this is the source of your motivation.

Article Source: 
[] Starting Your Own Small Business From Home

6 Benefits to Having a Small Business From Home

6 Benefits to Having a Small Business From Home
By []Korri Mordeen

There is no denying the fact that the internet is becoming overwhelmingly crowded with entrepreneurs looking to start a new career. The internet has so many benefits to offer people making it obvious why it is so crowded. Here are just a few of the many benefits to having a small business from home.

1. Do what you want
The internet offers an endless amount of opportunities for you to choose from. There is a need and want for just about anything you can think of on the internet. This gives you the chance to finally do what you want and make money off of it. There is nothing stopping you from starting a career in something you enjoy and have fun with.

2. Work when you want
By having your own business, you have the ability to pick and choose when you work. There is no set schedule for when you have to be at the office. You can work nights or days, and pick whenever you want your weekend to be. However, it is recommended you give yourself a schedule to work off of. This will help you get in a routine and stay focused.

3. You are your own boss
For many entrepreneurs, the beauty of being your own boss is the ultimate reward. You no longer have to take on projects or tasks you have no interest in. You can work at your own pace and take your business in whatever direction you choose.

4. More family time
Having a small business from home means you get to see the family more. You no longer will have to miss your kids' extracurricular activities because of work at the office or miss dinner because of traffic. You can finally be the mom or dad you always wished you could be while still having success with your career.

5. Never do the same thing
There is nothing worse than waking up each morning knowing you are going to go to the office and do the same thing as yesterday. When you have your own business, you will never get bored doing the same thing over and over. You are the advertiser, writer, graphic designer, customer service and the boss. There are plenty of responsibilities to keep you busy.

6. Work from home
The most obvious benefit is you get to work out of your home. Many people are more productive in a comfortable surrounding and there is nothing more comfortable than home. Running a small business from home also gives you the opportunity to avoid traffic and wear whatever you want.

Feel free to browse around my website and get started with yoru very own home business today! []
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Small Business Resources

Small Business Resources
By []Michael Russell

If you are looking to get your small business off the ground, you will be happy to know that the Internet provides you with the means to do so.  With instructional articles and forums, your knowledge about small business management will increase tenfold and in the arena of business, knowledge is equivalent to power.  Read more in this article.

Small Business Resources.  If you are running a small business, then you will love the fact that the Internet affords you the unique opportunity to access a variety of small business services.  In fact, the Internet can guide you to resources that can help your small business become successful.  Moreover, you will find that managing your l business becomes a far easier task. 

Small Business resources can provide you with information pertaining to business basics, banking basics, advertising hints and strategies, proper software applications for business management, business management strategies, marketing fundamentals and much more.  In fact, when you research resources on the web you will be pleasantly surprised by all of the information available to you. 

Articles are an excellent source of information and can help you learn how to manage your business successfully.  Frequently articles pertaining to small business focus on the minute details of business management and you can read about anything from proper tax applications to how to motivate your employees.  What's more, such articles are frequently offered to you for free or at minimal charge and the information they contain is invaluable. 

Alternatively, you can access forums where you can discuss small business issues with like-minded individuals: individuals that are encountering or have dealt with the same issues that concern you.  Forums are a wonderful way to discuss how to motivate employees, how to handle tax issues, how to increase your bottom line, how to affectively use merchant accounts or how to handle the day-to-day workings of yourl business.  You can also get some great advertising ideas.  

Perhaps you have a brick and mortar business and you are looking to extend your business to Internet consumers.  Then the Internet will definitely provide you with the services that you need to get your web-based business started.  You can sign up for merchant accounts, find web hosting for inexpensive monthly payments, and get your business online within a few weeks.  Plus, small business resources will advise you about the best way to pursue your Internet business and how to get yourself successfully established on the World Wide Web. 

Looking for a way to manage your home office?  Again, small business resources can provide you with exactly what you need.  You can learn how to successfully establish your home office so that your small business runs as eficiently as possible.  You can also learn about office organization, the right kind of equipment to purchase, what you will need to run the successful home office, how to establish a business, marketing, financial planning and more.   In the end, if you are looking to get your small business off the ground, you will be happy to know that the Internet provides you with the means to do so.  With instructional articles and forums, your knowledge about small business management will increase tenfold and in the arena of business, knowledge is equivalent to power.


Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to []Small Business


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Saturday, February 2, 2013

What Are the Best Small Business Opportunities?

What Are the Best Small Business Opportunities?
By []Scott Patterson

What are the best small business opportunities? I could just throw a list of opportunities at you and tell you that I had thoroughly researched the topic and found that these, the ones I've listed for you here, are hands down the best small business opportunities out there. Some of you might say "great, I'll choose one of these". The more astute reader would be inclined to say "oh yeah, the best how, or according to who"?

No one opportunity is the best for everyone reading this. We all have our own priorities and preferences to consider. Instead of trying to give you a "top ten list" of the best small business opportunities, I would rather give you a list of criteria to consider when choosing an opportunity. That way I'm teaching you how to compare all of the possibilities you might run into instead of just pushing you in a direction that might work well for me and poorly for you.

So here's my list of "things to consider before choosing a small business opportunity":

* How Much Money Can I Make Doing This -- We all knew this one had to be here, and it really doesn't require much of an introduction. I will say that many people never get beyond this one criteria when choosing a business for themselves. Many of those people fail because of one of the other criteria on this list.

* How Long Will It Take To Start Making Money -- This is sort of a partner to the first one, but one that is often overlooked by those who are too focused on the "how much" and not enough focused on the rest of this list. If you choose the one that pays the best but you go broke while you're waiting for the torrent of money to begin, that's not such a great deal.

* How Much Money Will I Need To Spend To Get It Started -- This is another one that takes a surprising number of people by surprise. People who haven't done it before tend to think of owning a business as a purely income centric thing. Almost all business require some startup money, but the amount varies widely from one business to the next.

* What Sort Of Red Tape Is Involved -- Another one that catches many a novice entrepreneur by surprise. We live in a very heavily regulated society. Gone are the days when good intentions are the only requirement for permission. The government regulates almost everything, and business is certainly no exception. These regulations are seldom intended to be for the greater public good. Most of it is the result of corrupt politicians making life better for their business partners and the rest is primarily invented as yet another means of taxing the public. Some of the best business opportunities are ruined by excessive regulation.

* Will I Be Swamped With Paperwork -- Many small business persons fall victim to this problem. They develop a business that more or less requires several forms of record keeping and billing and bill collection and payroll and taxes of every variety. It is easy for the small business person to get swamped by all of this "busy work" and have very little time to devote to further developing their business.

* Will I Have To Deal With Employees -- Talk about red tape and paperwork! It is almost true that a small business person can never hire just one employee, because that one employee will require a whole other person just to deal with all of the overhead that having employees brings with it. Add to that things like employee turn-over and training, personnel problems like drug use and no-shows, employee theft. Many small business owners work themselves to death just to avoid all this.

* Does It Have Unrealistic Time Requirements -- If you're a late sleeper or somebody looking to improve their free time situation by starting a small business of your own, you need to thoroughly research your choices on this one. Maybe you're thinking "day trading", but you live on the West Coast. The markets open at 6:30am, and you need to be bright eyed and bushy tailed before they open. Maybe the business you were thinking of requires your presence to deal with customer orders. Will you ever allow yourself the luxury of being away from the business and missing orders?

* Does It Require Me To Be Always In One Place -- Whether your idea involves raising animals that need to be fed every day, or the use of machinery that is too large to take with you, you need to consider what kind of a toll it will take on you to be always anchored to one spot and unable to take a few days off and go somewhere.

* Can I Get Out Of The Business Easily -- People change and their interests change. What seems like a fascinating area to work in today may seem like pure torture after you do it 60 hours a week for a few years. Is this a business that has some sale potential once established? Many small businesses are so dependent upon the skills of the owner that they are difficult or impossible to sell. After you put so much effort into building a business, it is hard to just walk away from it without some compensation.

* Will The Income It Generates Always Be Tied To How Much Time I Spend Doing It -- Few people would immediately think of song writing or writing books as a business. Usually you first think of such things as artistic _expression rather than a business. But, those two activities do earn money, and they have an interesting property that would be very welcome in a small business. Residuals, or getting money for the same bit of work over and over again. Residual income is one of the main things you should aspire to get from a small business. Without that, it tends to be just another job, but with a lot more risk and a lot more stress. You want to build yourself a perpetual money machine, that keeps on spinning after you stop turning the crank.

Well, there you have it, ten criteria you can use to compare any small business opportunity you come across with others you have considered. This list will go a long way towards narrowing down the field when you are choosing a small business opportunity. In fact, some people complain that there is nothing left after they apply this list to the ideas they've been working on.

One reason that the Internet has created such a big boom in the small business world is that many of the best small business opportunities (according to an analysis against my list) are among the most common types of Internet businesses.

Take a website business for example: Huge income potential if you do it right, almost no startup costs, no regulation (except for fraudulent activities), no paperwork or employees required, work whenever you want, grab your laptop and go, good sale of business potential, and among the best businesses there are for residual income.

About the only one of the criteria above that this one fails on is the startup time. It will often take several months to a year to get a new website up to speed and generating lots of traffic and income. Some of the other Internet businesses don't suffer from this downside, but do have other transgressions against my criteria. All in all though, as a class of businesses, you just can't do any better than an internet business when using the criteria I've set forth above.

Scott J. Patterson is a self-proclaimed Dunce, yet last month he earned $12,124 from one of his online businesses.  To find out how YOU can do the same, download his free ebook- The Secret Guide to Home Businesses:
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Friday, February 1, 2013

Top Ten Small Business Mastermind Advisers All Small Business Owners Need To Have to Succeed

Top Ten Small Business Mastermind Advisers All Small Business Owners Need To Have to Succeed
By []Chris Le Roy

The statistics on small businesses going broke in the first 12 months of operation are nothing short of obscene and seriously scary.  In Australia and other western countries such as the United States 70% of all small businesses fail within the first 12 months of operation but let me tell you from experience, surviving after that 12 months is no less harrowing.

After 10 years of running four small businesses and creating them from scratch I can tell you with some authority, that I did not do this on my own. In fact, I reckon I have made every mistake in the book on how not to run a small business, but yet I have still survived.  The secret to staying in business is all down to being able to talk to my ten Small Business Mastermind Advisers.

My ten Small Business Mastermind Advisers are there as my support team in helping me make the right decisions. See often when we make a decision in small business, it might be right at the time but down the track it can do you a lot of harm.  Having your small business mastermind advisers on call, you can simply call them and ask them the consequences of the choices you are about to make.

For example, having the right business structure and putting your business assets in the right structure will play a major roll in the success of your business when you decide to exit the business.  Se e most people who go into business only ever think of the business as a job they do not look at it from the perspective of how they will exit the business when they have built it into an enterprise.

Those ten small business mastermind advisers will help you to ensure that you have met your obligations and that there are no hidden issues that might come up in the future for your business.  For example, we recently chose to sell off our car cleaning business as my wife wanted to pursue something different. Because of the way I had structured some of the trademarks in my company that related to hers, when we went and sold the business it created a number of headaches in the sale process. Essentially we had to shift ownership of those trademarks to her company prior to the sale which created a number of financial costs that we have had to endure even though my company never made any money.  This issue arose simply because in the early days, I did not have my 10 Small Business Mastermind Advisers to tell me how my choices would impact on me in the future.

Adviser 1: Accountant

In business today, with the complexities of superannuation, sales tax or GST, income tax and all the other taxes out there an accountant is a must.  As a small business owner you need to find an accountant that is a small business specialist and is proactive in working with you.

What I have found is that some accountants will only do what you ask them to do and will not step in and give you advice if you do not ask.  You want an accountant that if they see you are doing something wrong then they will tell you without you asking.

The other thing you will need to ensure is that you hire an accountant that outlines where all of their hours are going.  It is very easy for you with accountants and solicitors to end up with 5 or 6 figure bills.

Adviser 2: Solicitor

The solicitor is another important Small Business Mastermind adviser.  Just like the accountant you need to make sure that the solicitor is a small business specialist.  The role of the solicitor is to help you with all legal issues like what structure suits what you want to achieve, do your forms and policies meet your legal obligations, like your privacy policy, recruitment policy etc.

They can also help you protect your assets and in particular your intellectual property like trademarks, copyright etc.  Often small business owners do not do the basics of trademarking their business name and logos to stop other business predators using their identities.

Adviser 3: Marketing and Advertising Expert

A Marketing and Advertising Expert is a must in today's market place.  I have found that with the various media types, people in the industry can get better deals than if you dealt with the media owners. For example, recently I chose a new advertising specialist to join my small business mastermind advisers because their company was able to negotiate lower television advert placements, than what I could dealing directly with the station.

Your marketing and advertising expert should have some experience in your industry and be able to show real statistics of adverts and marketing campaigns that actually achieved results.  More so, they should also have a mantra of test and measure to ensure that your campaigns are giving you value for money and more so, are making you a profit.

Adviser 4: Bookkeeper

Some accountants have their own bookkeepers, but I have found that quite often they are more expensive than bookkeepers not tied into an accountant.  Further to this you should always check to make sure the bookkeeper is certified. In some countries, including Australia, bookkeepers can be certified through the National Bookkeepers association or the CPA.

Your bookkeeper must be prepared to work with your accountant and if they have questions you must give them permission to speak with your accountant and more so, you need to make sure that they document all communications with your accountant.

Remember one thing, it does not matter whether your Bookkeeper or your accountant makes a mistake, ultimately, you as the business owner are responsible for your books.  If they get it wrong, it will be on your head, so always make sure that you understand what they are doing.

Adviser 5: IT Person

Everybody hates computers and I am a 20 year veteran of the industry and I still hate them.  Having a good IT person is essential.  Most businesses today are now totally reliant on their IT Technology and if your technology goes down, the question you need to ask is, "could your business still operate?" If the answer is no, then you need to hire an IT person who will be there in an emergency.

When choosing an IT Person or company make sure they are qualified in the technology you are using. For example, if you are using Microsoft Windows technology in your office, then your IT Person should have at the very least the Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician qualification.

Adviser 6: Website and Search Engine Expert

If your business is not on the web and you are not selling products to the global market then you are making your life incredibly difficult and you are missing out on lots of opportunities.  The internet is a fantastic tool for doing business but be warned there are lots of crooks out there, especially in the search engine optimization industry.

Before choosing a web builder and search engine expert ask to speak with some of their existing clients or talk to other business associates and find out who they use.  I will say you should expect to pay anywhere between $1,500 to $5,000 per month for this service depending on your business and what sort of income you want to derive from the internet.

Adviser 7: Business Coach

Business Coaches, are like website and search engine experts, there are a lot of snakes out there who have no real small business experience.  Before choosing a Business Coach ask them if they have ever owned a small business or if they had been a principle small business manager.

If you have been in small business for a while, then it will be very obvious to you as to which business coaches have owned businesses before going into business coaching. Their approach will tend to be more practical then something out of a book.  Once again before choosing a business coach, talk to your business colleagues and see if they can recommend someone.

Adviser 8: Financial Planner

Managing your money is a major issue and most accountants will not give you Financial Planning Advice.  A good financial planner will be able to help you where to put your business money, to get good growth but also to be easily accessible.

You should also have a good financial planner for your personal 401k or superannuation policy but also if you are managing an employer superannuation program.  Most small business owners forget to build their own 401k or superannuation policy as they are building their business and when they get to selling their business they find they do not have enough to live on once they retire because once the business debts are paid off, nothing is left.

Adviser 9: Business Banker

Finding the right bank and right business banker is essential to succeeding in business.  You definitely need to build a constructive relationship with your business banker as they will be your life line in a dire cashflow situation or if you need money for a deal you just could not let go by.

Business Bankers can also help you with other issues like leasing and hire purchase accounts, but also other facilities like merchant facilities, sales tax bank accounts etc.

Adviser 10: Insurance Broker

I learned the hard way on how important an insurance broker is to your business.  The previous insurance company I dealt with did not advise me that none of the glass in my building was covered if I was broken into.  I have extensive insurance, but because Glass was an optional extra, the previous insurance company did not tell me this and when we were broken into, even though I pay over $5,000 per year in insurance,  I still had a $4,000 bill for all the glass damaged during a break and enter.

This particular experience really drove home, how a good insurance broker, whilst upfront might cost you more, in the future will save you more.

Just like any employee when you are putting together your Small Business Mastermind Advisers you need to interview each adviser and ensure that you are able to work with them.  Further to this, to get the best advice from your Small Business Mastermind Advisers you must be 100% honest and open with them, even when things are looking dire.  If you are not totally honest, then they cannot give you the advice that will help you get out of trouble.

Learn the []Law of Attraction business from the teachers of the secret.  Check out our []Meditation and Relaxation Music to help you master this important program.  Learn how to Make a Mony Tree [] with our 32-Step Copywriting System.

Article Source: [] Top Ten Small Business Mastermind Advisers All Small Business Owners Need To Have to Succeed


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